Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Albert Moore Idyll

Albert Moore IdyllAlbert Moore GardenAlbert Moore ApplesMark Rothko Yellow and Gold2Mark Rothko Yellow and Blue
Under Things to Do, a crabbed hand had written: Die.
The Bursar couldn’t stop himself from turning the page.
Yes. Under tomorrow’s date, Things to Do: Get Born. His gaze slid sideways to a small table at the side of the room. Despite the fact that the room was quite crowded, there was an area of clear floor around the table, as if it had some kind of personal space that no-one was about to invade.
There had been special instructions in the Going Away ceremony concerning the table. It had to have a black cloth, with a few magic sigils embroidered on it.
It had a plate‘I’m thinking of coming back as a woman,’ he said conversationally.
The Bursar opened and shut his mouth a few times. ‘I’m looking forward to it,’ Poons went on.’I think it might, mm, be jolly good fun.’
The Bursar riffled desperately through his limited, containing a selection of the better ?canal’s?. It had a glass of wine. After considerable discussion among the wizards, a funny paper hat had been added as well.They all had an expectant look.The Bursar took out his watch and flicked open the ??? It was one of the ?new-fanged? pocket watches, with hands. They pointed to a quarter past nine. He shook it. A small hatch opened under the 12 and a very small demon poked its head out and said, ‘Knock it off, guv’nor, I ‘m pedalling as fast as I can.’He closed the watch again and looked around desperately. No-one else seemed anxious to come too near Windle Poons. The Bursar felt it was up to him to make polite conversation. He surveyed possible topics. They all presented problems.Windle Poons helped him out.

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