Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Famous painting

Famous painting
"Exactly,Hastings.And that is where the gambler (and the murderer,whois,after all,only a supreme kind of gambler since what he risks is not hismoney but his life)often lacks intelligent anticipation.Because he has wonhe thinks he will continue to win!He does not leave the tables in good timewith his pocket full.So in crime the murderer who is successful cannotconcerve the possibility of not being successful!He takes to himself all thecredit for a successful performance-but I tell you,my friends,howevercarefully planned,no crime can be successful without luck!" "Isn't that going rather far?"demurred Franklin Clarke. Poirot waved his hands excitedly.
Famous painting
"No,no.It is an even chance,if you like,but it must be in yourfavour.Consider!It might have happened that someone enters Mrs Ascher's shopjust as the murderer is leaving.That person might have thought of lookingbehing the counter,have seen the dead woman-and either laid hands on themurderer straight away or else been able to give such an accuratedescription of him to the police that he would have been arrestedforthwith." "Yes,of course,that's possible,"admitted Clarke."What it comes to isthat a murderer's got to take a chance." "Precisely.A murderer is always a gambler.
Famous painting


Anonymous said...

Famous painting

Anonymous said...

Famous painting