Monday, April 13, 2009

Jean Francois Millet Spring

Jean Francois Millet SpringJean Francois Millet Man with a hoeLorenzo Lotto Venus and Cupid
hadn't noticed Rincewind. It was too busy concentrating on the light.
Rincewind crawled back to the still body of Coin and nudged it gently.
'Are you alive?' looked blankly at the cold silver sand, then at the sky, then at the distant Things, and then at Rincewind.
'I don't know what to do,' he said.
'No harm in that. I've never known what to do,' said Rincewind with hollow cheerfulness. 'Been completely at a loss my whole life.' He hesitated. 'I think it's called being human, or something.'
'But I've always known what to do!'he said. 'If you're not, I'd prefer it if you didn't answer.'Coin rolled over and stared up at him with puzzled eyes. After a while he said, 'I remember-’'Best not to,' said Rincewind.The boy's hand groped vaguely in the sand beside him.'It isn't here any more,' said Rincewind, quietly. The hand stopped its searching.Rincewind helped Coin to sit up. He

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