Monday, June 16, 2008

painting idea

painting idea
'If there were only one,' he said.
" 'None or all,' I answered. 'We have sworn it. The four of us must always act together.'
" 'You see, Morstan,' said he, 'Small is a man of his word. He does not flinch from his friends. I think we may very well trust him.'
" 'It's a dirty business,' the other answered. 'Yet, as you say, the money will save our commissions handsomely.'
" 'Well, Small,' said the major, 'we must, I suppose, try and meet you. We must first, of course, test the truth of your story. Tell me where the box is hid, and I shall get leave of absence and go back to India in the monthly relief-boat to inquire into the affair.'
" 'Not so fast,' said I, growing colder as he got hot. 'I must have the consent of my three comrades. I tell you that it is four or none with us.'
" 'Nonsense!' he broke in. 'What have three black fellows to do with our agreement?'
" 'Black or blue,' said I, 'they are in with me, and we all go together.'

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