Friday, October 26, 2007

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may
girl with a pearl earring vermeer
Gustav Klimt Kiss painting
Head of Christ
Would you like to hear, Miss Eyelesbarrow, what my godfather said about her - the first time we met? He described her as just the finest detective God ever made - natural genius cultivated in a suitable soil. He told me never to despise the" – Dermot Craddock paused for a moment to seek for a synonym for “old pussies" – “– er – elderly ladies. He said they could usually tell you what might have happened, what ought to have happened, and even what actually did happen! And," he said, "they can tell you why it happened, he added, that this particular - er - elderly lady - was at the top of the class."
"Well!" said Lucy. "That seems to be a testimonial all right."
Miss Marple was pink and confused and looked unusually dithery.
"Dear Sir Henry," she murmured. "Always so kind. Really I'm not at all clever - just, perhaps, a slight knowledge of human nature - living, you know, in a village –"
She added, with more composure:
"Of course, I am somewhat handicapped, by not actually being on the spot. It is so helpful, I always feel, when people remind you of other people - because types are alike everywhere and that is such a valuable guide."
Lucy looked a little puzzled, but Craddock nodded comprehendingly.


Anonymous said...

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may

Anonymous said...

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may

Anonymous said...

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may