Thursday, November 1, 2007

Venus and Cupid

Venus and Cupid
Vermeer girl with the pearl earring
virgin of the rocks
Woman with a Parasol
¡¡¡¡ She answered "Yes!" as before, but the tones were small and confined, and whence they came he could not at first understand. Under the staircase was a large clothes-closet, without a window; they seemed to come from it. The door was shut, but there was no lock or other fastening. Phillotson, alarmed, went towards it, wondering if she had suddenly become deranged. ¡¡¡¡ "What are you doing in there?" he asked. ¡¡¡¡ "Not to disturb you I came here, as it was so late." ¡¡¡¡ "But there's no bed, is there? And no ventilation! Why, you'll be suffocated if you stay all night!" ¡¡¡¡ "Oh no, I think not. Don't trouble about me." ¡¡¡¡ "But--" Phillotson seized the knob and pulled at the door. She had fastened it inside with a piece of string, which broke at his pull. There being no bedstead she had flung down some rugs and made a little nest for herself in the very cramped quarters the closet afforded. ¡¡¡¡ When he looked in upon her she sprang out of her lair, great-eyed and trembling. ¡¡¡¡ "You ought not to have pulled open the door!" she cried excitedly. "It is not becoming in you! Oh, will you go away; please will you!" ¡¡¡¡ She looked so pitiful and pleading in her white nightgown against the shadowy lumber-hole that he was quite worried. She continued to beseech him not to disturb her.


Anonymous said...

Venus and Cupid

Anonymous said...

Venus and Cupid

Anonymous said...

Naiade oil painting