Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bouguereau William

Bouguereau William
But now,with the printed words jeering from the white stiff paper,thehunt was up once more. Inspector Crome had come round from the Yard,and while he was stillthere,Franklin Clarke and Megan Barnard came in. The girl explained that she,too,had come up from Bexhill. "I wanted to ask Mr Clarke something." She seemed rather anxious to excuse and explain her procedure.I justnoted the fact without attaching much importance to it. The letter naturally filled my mind to the exclusion of all else. Crome was not,I think,any too pleased to see the various participantsin the drama.He became extremely official and non-committal.
Bouguereau William
"I'll take this with me,M.Poirot.If you care to take a copy of it-""No,no,it is not necessary." "What are your plans,inspector?"asked Clarke. "Fairly comprehensive ones,Mr Clarke." "This time we've got to get him,"said Clarke."I may tell you,inspector,that we've formed an association of our own to deal with the matter.A legionof interested parties." Inspector Crome said in his best manner: "Oh,yes?" "I gather you don't think much of amateurs,inspector?" "You've hardly the same resources at your command,have you,Mr Clarke?" "We've got a personal axe to grind-and that's something." "Oh,yes?"
Bouguereau William


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Bouguereau William

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Bouguereau William